Earlier this month we posted 4 Blog Tips for Real Estate so we thought that we would do a follow up and provide 10 Blog Post Ideas for Real Estate Agents this week.

1. List Post – List posts are great… because they work. Try creating a list of events in your area, great places to go, the best schools in your area, etc…

2. Preparing Your Home for Sale Post – Make a list of the things that a seller should do to prepare a home for sale.

3. FAQ Post – Many new homebuyers and sellers are new to the process. Create a list of Frequently Asked Questions and make it blog post. Better yet, do a post for buyers and another one for sellers.

4. Checklist Post – Make a checklist for buyers and sellers. This could be getting financing in order, home preparation, etc…

5. Definition Post – Real Estate a vocabulary all it’s own. So make a list of terms and acronyms that are specific to the real estate industry and define them so that people understand what they mean.

6. Story Post – Tell a story, make it interesting and relative to real estate. It could be about a former customer or a time when you showed a listing and it wasn’t exactly up to par. Just make it interesting.

7. Presentation Post – Publish your listing presentation or buyers presentation as a blog post. This will give site visitors an interesting look at why they should hire you.

8. Customer Showcase Post – Everytime you sell a home (whether on the buyers or sellers side) write a post about how you helped your customer and how satisfied they are.

9. News Post – There is a lot of interesting stuff going on in the real estate world. Write a post about the something newsworthy that might affect a customer.

10. Stats Post – A monthly stats post on how the real estate market is doing in your area is a great addition to any blog