Benefits of Sending Direct Mail to Grow Your Real Estate Business

Over the last couple of years, the pandemic caused all kinds of businesses to adapt to the new normal: increasing virtual interactions, digital marketing efforts, virtual networking events, and more. We saw the rise of remote-working, teleconferencing, contactless delivery, curbside pick-up, and fewer in-person meetings. More people than ever are working from home, and these numbers are expected to rise over the next few years. This rise in home working has also added to the rise in home buying. People no longer worry about commuting and need a home office space to work in. 

Direct MailAs our world becomes more virtual, people express their desires to get out of the house more and crave that in-person connection. Our email inboxes are full, online ads pop up so frequently they can sometimes get overlooked, and people are experiencing screen overload. Digital marketing is still extremely effective in reaching a broad audience, but how can you combat the intense competition in the digital marketing world so your business can stand out from the rest? The answer is direct mail.

Direct mail has been around for a long time. It is one of the oldest forms of marketing. Promotional materials such as brochures, postcards, flyers, and coupons make up some popular forms of direct mail marketing. For realtors adding in educational and relevant content targeted to a specific area is key.

You may ask – “isn’t direct mail dead?” It’s quite the opposite.

How your real estate business can benefit from direct mail marketing:

It helps you stand out– Fewer agents send direct mail these days as they turn towards digital marketing efforts. It is not uncommon for people to receive hundreds of emails a day. If you take the extra step to personalize your direct mail marketing, you can address the mail directly to a recipient. Have you ever experienced that feeling of excitement when you receive a package you’ve been waiting on? The same thing happens when people see personalized mail (just make sure your direct mail marketing doesn’t resemble a doctor’s bill).

Direct mail is memorable because it is a sensory experience. Direct mail involves the senses, which can help get your customer engaged and heavily influence their purchase decision. You miss out on the sensory experience of touch in digital marketing, which can help make people feel more connected to something.

Direct mail can reach more people in the household. An email goes to one person’s inbox, whereas multiple people in a home will see the incoming mail. When a couple receives direct mail in the home targeted to their desire to purchase a new home in the area, it can spark a conversation and get them thinking about the offer.

Direct Mail

Higher Response Rates (if you use personalization) – Direct mail marketing outperforms digital marketing channels regarding response rates. Adding a recipient name to your direct mail can increase response rates by 135%!  Include a CTA on your mail to get your customers to call you or visit your site for the most up-to-date listings. You can include educational information about the industry trends in their area to get their attention. QR codes offer an easy way to get your prospect to a page with more of the information that you want them to see.

Technology has made direct mail marketing more manageable than ever. You can personalize your direct mail by using the data in a CRM about your customer and tailor your direct mail to that lead. You might think direct mail is time-consuming, and it can be if not done right. If you have the right technology, direct mail can be done efficiently and with a click. Since people generally think of direct mail as more time-consuming, receiving it will make them feel special and help you stand out!

As more people work from home, reaching them with direct mail marketing to grow your business makes sense. Just make sure you don’t overload the recipient with mail; it works because customers do not currently get a lot of it! Reaching the customer directly, providing a memorable experience, and ultimately encouraging the customer to act is why direct mail marketing works and can help you grow your business, especially in the digital age we are all accustomed to. 

As more people work from home, reaching them with direct mail marketing to grow your business makes sense. Just make sure you don’t overload the recipient with mail; it works because customers do not currently get a lot of it! Reaching the customer directly, providing a memorable experience, and ultimately encouraging the customer to act is why direct mail marketing works and can help you grow your business, especially in the digital age we are all accustomed to. 

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