Just like referrals are an important part of growing your business, a real estate testimonial can be an excellent sales tool as well. We have just added a way for you to request testimonials via email in a personalized manner using our Agent Sauce Testimonial Engine.

The Agent Sauce Real Estate Testimonial Engine makes it easy to pull up a contact, click a request testimonial button and personalize the template already set up for you. Once you send it, the recipient can easily click a link to send a testimonial to you and when they do, our system tracks the request and the testimonial for you.

You can also easily add a testimonial for a contact that you may have received verbally or in other correspondence. So, if John Doe sends you an email after a closing talking about how great it was to work with you, you can respond to him requesting to share his kind words in your marketing materials for potential clients. When he says yes, click on the testimonials link on the left and copy and paste his testimonial in. There is also an option for you to upload a photo if you happened to take a picture of John in front of his new home. Once you save, the testimonial is now ready for you to use in your emails if you choose.

This is a feature in our Plus Program. See the video below to learn how it works and be on the look out for new ways to use this feature as we continue to expand our plan options.

Have questions? Contact us at info@agentsauce.com