Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing has become an integral part of any real estate marketing strategy. For real estate agents new to marketing on social media it can be a hot bed of traps and faux pas. The infographic below points out eight of the more obvious mistakes, like:

Companies without a social media strategy can never deliver an effective message to their audience. To execute a successful social media marketing plan, a strategy must be in place.

Many business create accounts on a number of social media channels at once despite their inability to post quality content to engage their followers and prospects.

Talking too much about the brand and the brand alone

Some of my favorite points in the Infographic are:

Creating accounts on too many services. If you can’t keep up with 10 services, don’t try. Just focus on one or two until you master them. Then add another and wait until you master it before adding more.

Using irrelevant hashtags. It is one thing to use a hashtag to help categorize your post. It is another to use a hashtag that doesn’t apply to your post at all, such as trying to utilize a trending topic to promote your brand. Generally this is seen as being in poor taste and can cause a backlash.

Sharing too much in a short time. Just like your email marketing subscribers don’t want to get 10 emails a day from you, your social media followers don’t want to be flooded with