Real Estate Toll-Free Call Capture: How We Can Help
Our toll-free platform allows you to record voice messages that are specific to each property. This allows you to track interest in each property and prioritize your leads, helping you manage your time more effectively.
Proven Real Estate Marketing And Sales Advice:
Real Estate Email Marketing
Getting Started with Real Estate Email Marketing Many of our new real estate agents are intimidated by the thought of real estate email marketing. They have a lot of questions and concerns. What do I email about? Where do I get my list of email addresses? How many/how often should I send? Should I promote my listings And many more [...]
Silver Bullet Marketing in Real Estate
Silver Bullet Marketing Silver Bullet Marketing was a great topic for this episode. We talked about what it is, the difference between it and "Shiny New" marketing and the one thing that you can do to make your marketing more effective. Take Aways The Silver Bullet marketing mentality - The concept that working with one technology will be all that [...]
The Agent Sauce App is now available!
Many of you have asked for this option. We listened. What can you do on the Agent Sauce Real Estate CRM Mobile App? -Add new contacts to your CRM either manually or by scanning a business card. -Manage your current contacts -Update information on a listing -View Action Items, Scheduled and Sent Emails -Add and manage items on a "To [...]