Wacky Holidays

Another great tool in the Agent Sauce Real Estate Social Marketing platform is the “Wacky Holidays” content. Basically this a “Meme” generator that combines a picture with the holiday and a quick question meant to evoke a response. There are ~10 or so holidays per month. We generate these each week based on the agents preferences. You can customize the color of the band across the bottom and the font color. This allows a bit of personalization and branding. Watch the video above or follow the instructions below to set your account up.

Login to the Agent Sauce portal.

Click on the “Social Media” item in the lower left navigation menu.

Select the “Wacky Holidays” tab.

Select a default color and font for the color band that goes across the bottom of the Holiday Meme.

Select the Social Media services that you want to post the Wacky Holidays to.

Select the Holidays that you want posted. The holiday will be posted the morning on the date listed. To preview a wacky Holiday meme click on the “Eye” icon next to the holiday. The preview will have a blue band with white font. To see a preview with your colors. Click on the preview link on the “Scheduled Posts” tab.”

Scroll to the bottom and press the “Update” button. This saves your preferences and schedules the selected holidays to be posted. After a couple of minutes you will be able to see the scheduled holidays on the “Scheduled Posts” tab. We only schedule these a week at a time so you won’t see all of the upcoming Holidays at once.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Adam has written 49 articles

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