Adding Contacts


To add a single contact (or one-by-one) click on the “Contacts” link in the left navigation bar. This will take you to the “Contact Manager” page. There are green buttons on the right side of the screen.

Click on the “Add New Contact” button. You are now on the contact add page.

Fill in as much of the data as you can. Make sure to add any notes or tags, select desired e-cards and lists that you want the contact added to.

Press the “Save Contact” button and the contact is added.

Importing Multiple Contacts:

To import a list from excel, click the import button on the “Contact Manager” page.

Your list should be in an excel or csv file and should have columns in the following order:

Email Address, First Name, Last Name, Street1, Street2, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Web Site, Company, Extension, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Notes, Anniversary, Home Anniversary, Birthday, Tags

Be sure to leave empty columns for information that you do not have for any contacts. For example, if you have mobile numbers only, you will want to leave a blank column for the “Phone Number” field.

Select the desired lists, add tags, copy/paste your data into the text box and press the import button.

Adam has written 49 articles

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